
One Day Workshop On Automotive Architecture

Four Technical Specialists, Mr.C.Saravanan, Technical Architect, Continental Automotive Components Pvt Ltd, Mr.P.Dhanapal, Senior Technical Specialist, Continental Automotive Components Pvt Mr.K.Ravishankar,Manager-Product Development Cycle, Continental Automotive Components Mr.A.Sanjeev,Project Manager, Continental Automotive Components Pvt Ltd     of  Continental Automotive Components Pvt Ltd, were called upon as resource people for a One Day Workshop Organized by the Department of Mechanical Sciences on 16.09.2017 held at Bharathi hall.A strength of 200 members including students and faculty members from various institutions participated in the event to gain an in-depth knowledge about Automotive ECU Design. The feedback was very good.  

One Day Seminar on NDT

Mr.Velandi of Blue Ray Technologies demonstrated the necessity of NDT for an Automobile Engineer. 50 students of Automobile Engineering Participated in this seminar held at Vishveswaraya hall on 25.08.2017. Students were very interested to take up the course in the coming semester.

Two Days Orientation Programme for 2017 Batch I Year Engineering Students

The Department of Mechanical Sciences arranged a Two days Orientation Programme on 09.08.2017 and 10.08.2017 to welcome the I Year 2017 Batch Engineering Students at Vishwesvaraya Hall. The guest Speakers were  1.Mr.Rakshith Kannan, HR Manager, VKC Footcare 2.Mr.M.Sathyanarayan, Managing Director, Agasthiyaa Granite 3.Mr.T.Mahendran, Manager, Al-Arab Contracting Company, Saudi Arabia 4.Dr.J. Naveen Prabhu, Assistant Professor and Health Officer, Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences. 5.Mr. Ashok Mehta, MD, Mehta Jewellers. The Lectures from the guest speakers ranged form health maintenance to Entrepreneurship Development and were very useful for the freshmen year students.

Blood Donation Camp in Karpagam Medical College

Automobile Engineering Department and NSS of Karpagam Univeristy organized a Blood Donation Camp at Karpagam Medical College on 05.08.2017. 35 volunteering students donated blood for the benefit of the public.

Guest lecture on “Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing" (GD&T)

Mr.S.R.DURAIRAJU, Assistant Professor (Sr.Grade),Department of Mechanical Engineering   Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College ,  Coimbatore  has delivered a guest lecture  in “Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) “ around 150 students of  Automobile  and  Mechanical Engineering, Karpagam University on 31 st  July 2017 (Monday) at Edison Seminar hall.  His lecture and interaction were fruitful to the students. 

Guest Lecture on Interview Techniques

Mr.S.Sakthivel from Indo Shell Casting,Coimbatore handled a session on 27.07.2017 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm at Viswesvaraya Hall. Students of Automobile and Aerospace of Karpagam University were given tips on handling Interview and accustoming themselves to the pressure. The students found the session to be very informative.

Guest Lecture on Latest Trends in Automotive Technology

Mr.Shakthivel from Maruti Udyog engaged the 150 students from the Department of Automobile Engineering and Aerospace on the latest and advancements in Automotive Technology. The session was held at Visveswaraya Hall on 27.07.2017 from 09.30am to 1.10pm. Students were given an indepth knowledge on Automotive Technologies.